The Block Outlines File

A summary of default fields

The Block Outlines File

A Block Outlines file is generated during mining block generation, using any of the following managed tasks on the Reserves ribbon:

  • Auto by Bench
  • Auto All
  • Manual Outlines

The default name of generated file is "outlines".

This topic describes the fields contained within the Block Outlines file.

Mandatory Fields

Field Name Type Description
XP, YP, ZP, PTN, VALUE Numeric

Datamine string definition fields, controlling location of points and grouping of points into a string.

BLOCKID Numeric Unique block identifier. Corresponds with the BLOCKID in the reserves file.


Optional Fields:

Field Name Type Description
DPLUS and DMINUS Numeric Used to control block height, DPLUS is the meters above, DMINUS the meters below. Can be set to zero or negative for showing offsets. Used in Evaluation and 3D Display only.

Used for grouping blocks together for BLAST type dependencies. Multiple blocks can have the same value.


Automatically-generated Fields:

Field Name Type Description

Added by the Scheduling process to show overall percentage of block loaded


Added by the Scheduling process to show percentage of block loaded in the current period only.


Added by the Scheduling process to show percentage of block loaded in the periods up to and including the current period.



The first and last periods in which the block is mined.

ACT(N)PCT and ACT(N)PCU Numeric

Activity Percent and percent current. (N) represents the activity number from the Define Activities dialog.


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